Food Product Development
In the area of food product development, Food-Workshop offers all services that lead step-by-step from brainstorming, the development concept, through technical product development to large-scale implementation. A one-stop shop from the idea for a food to the rollout in the food trade, that is the motto of Food-Workshop in this business area.
Product Ideas
Broaden your horizon. With Rapid Prototyping and Technology Transfer
Put our creativity to the test – we use specifically adapted working methods from industrial design and classic brainstorming to activate the potential of ideas from the entire team. Our specialty – "Rapid Prototyping" – leads from the idea to the implementation almost in real time. Our motto: brainstorm in the mornings, review, tackle and try in the afternoon. With the “Technology Transfer” tool, you can look beyond the boundaries of your own company and let yourself be inspired by methods from different industries to create new, independent technology solutions.
Services and projects
Product Innovations
New Products on the Shelf
Managing the Product Range
Expansion, revitalization or new edition of an existing range
Business Expansion
Products for new sales channels as well as new applications of existing technological competencies
Competency Enhancement
Merging of technologies from different sectors, e.g. milk sweets, meat baked goods
System Utilization
Product ideas to increase the utilization of certain systems
Applications for new raw materials or technologies or new applications for state of the art raw materials or technologies.
Generating Ideas
Development of product or range ideas, after briefing in relation to target group, distribution channel, positioning, product properties
Instant Prototyping
Creative workshop accompanying sample production for the sensory representation of emerging ideas
How-to Workshops
Demonstration of our creative process using the example of a current development project
Design and moderation of creative workshops
Development Concepts
The consumer decides whether an idea is good or not
That is why we have developed methods to quickly receive trend-setting feedback from the target group and thus shorten the concept phase significantly. In our concept and feasibility studies, in addition to all product-technical facts, the research of raw materials, systems and packaging, all legal, safety and quality-related framework conditions to be observed, as well as the estimate of raw material and manufacturing costs are included.This gives you a realistic implementation scenario as a basis for decision-making for stop or go of technical product development.
Services and projects
Prototype DevelopmentTransformation of product ideas into product prototypes.
Feasibility Studies
Assessment of the technical feasibility of a new product with regard to manufacturing processes and packaging, combining the results of preliminary tests, state-of-the-art studies, raw material and process research.
Project Planning
Recommendation of a development path with timing and costs, with reference to bottlenecks and assumptions that have yet to be verified
Sample Production
Production of development samples for presentation purposes, test samples for sensory and chemical-physical examinations, supply of market research tests
Sensor Technology
Creation of the sensory profiles required for the concept creation with internal and external sensory panels, checking the consistency of the concept and prototypes with consumers from the target group
Researching Raw Materials
Research of raw materials, their technological suitability and their industrial availability
Process Research
Review of the technological suitability of customer-specific processes or design of new processes taking into account the requirements for safety, quality, legal regulations and economic efficiency
State of the Art Research
Determination, compilation and commentary on research for the development project of relevant literature and patents
Technical Product Development
We provide the basis for further large-scale implementation
A one stop shop – we develop the recipes, the process and the packaging - in a systematic way in the test kitchen, pilot plant or factory – if necessary by involving specialists and laboratories. In this way, we provide the basis for the further large-scale implementation of culinary, high-quality and safe food products.Benefit from our experience, which ranges from the development of simple powder mixtures to highly sensitive chilled milk and meat products.
Services and projects
New developmentsDevelopment of the recipe, manufacturing process and packaging of a new product
Value Analysis
Further development of existing products while optimizing raw material and process costs
Quality Analysis
Further development of existing products while optimizing sensor technology and applications
Further development of existing products based on the model of the market leader with a focus on increasing consumer acceptance
Finding and eliminating sources of error in product quality and profitability
Recipe Development
Creaiting industrial recipes based on culinary, technological, legal and economic requirements
Process Development
Design and scale-up of manufacturing processes from test kitchens to technical centers to large-scale systems - based on the aspects of technological possibilities, product safety, quality and economic requirements
Packaging Development
Selection of the types and methods of packaging based on the aspects of technological possibilities, product safety, quality and economic requirements - creation and review of the legally prescribed packaging information
Durability Tests
Check of the shelf life under the required climatic conditions such as temperature (deep-frozen, chilled, room temperature), light, oxygen, humidity – assessment of shelf life using accelerated test procedures
Sensor Technology
Objective description of sensory product properties – finding differences, establishing preferences, creating profiles
Collection of process relevant phys./chem. parameters such as aw, O2, TS, pH, texture, viscosity and color – selection and commissioning of accredited laboratories for all examinations
Scale Up
The most ingenious product idea is useless if it is not implemented
Regardless of whether your production plant is in Vienna, Munich or Hong Kong – we look after your product from the first factory test to the "maiden voyage". We create specifications for raw materials and finished products, provide your quality management with the necessary methods and train your employees from the start on how to handle the new "star on the food shelf".Services and projects
CommissioningCommissioning of equipment, checking of specifications, test runs, error analysis
New Production
Establishment and support of new production processes, optimization of working methods, development of work equipment, employee training
Process Optimization
Error analysis and removal, detection of causes of quality losses, elimination of safety defects, recipe adjustments, employee training
Contract Manufacturing
Search for suitable manufacturing companies for a planned or existing product, audits, establishment and monitoring of production, creation of production rules as well as all accompanying systems such as HACCP and QA
Factory Trials
Development test runs on the manufacturer's large-scale systems or at machine suppliers
Initial Productions
Organization and accompaniment of initial productions, staff training, drafting of production rules, earnings analysis
QA Systems
Recommendations to the company's own QA, method development, system development
HACCP Studies
Development of HACCP systems for new production processes
Creating specifications for new machines, raw materials and processes as well as finished products with verifiable quality specifications and control methods
Production Rules
Setting out rules for the individual production stages of a new product, specifying production parameters, measures in the event of deviations, cleaning procedures, etc.
Staff Training
Training of production employees in new processes, system operation, safety and quality-relevant procedures